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There are a few things to consider when choosing the right development action suitable for our personal and professional needs.

We will first have a look at a few examples of what those different types might be.

Online learning or e-learning

Bespoke training

In house training

Classroom lessons

Distance learning

Academic qualifications

Practical hands on training

Coaching and Mentoring

You maybe able to think of some more depending on your own experience of learning and development but the above is good list to work with.

There are then the reasons behind choosing a particular type such as:

Cost – whether personal or company budget, cost will always be a factor particularly when weighing up the benefits.

Time – For an individual, time and commitment to the study needed is of course a factor if already burning the candle at both ends. For an organisation, usually you would want training to be short and effective although strategic investment in employees for particular or specialist roles or succession planning may need long term backing.

Learning styles – often forgotten but very important when considering training for employees. Some people learn best by hands on practice and maybe perfectly capable but don’t cope so well in a classroom environment particularly were tests and exams are involved. Others thrive academically and can be given a variety of online, distance or classroom and be left to get on with.

The Learners current level – Theres nothing worse than expecting a Learner to develop at a speed or level that they are currently not ready or. Selecting development actions must be realistic and its important to assess the capability so that you line someone up for success but also achieve the objectives of the training.

Importance of the subject – Specialist and or technical roles often require a recognised qualification and so choice of development actions are limited to those. Some subject areas may require visual or practical methods such as showing someone how to operate a piece of machinery as part of their training.

Specialist providers – in addition to the above I would also note that not all training is appropriate in house as some areas may require a qualified Trainer in a particular role. Areas such as Health & Safety is often outsourced to ensure the correct training is delivered.

Consider all of the above and have a think about your own experience in Learning and development. What were the types of actions available and what reasons were their behind the choices that were made?

Learners, if you are undertaking the Level 3 or 4 in Management this post will assist with the criteria

Unit 300 ML9 2.2 Explain the basis on which types of development actions are selected