Evaluate your own current and future personal and professional development needs relating to the role, the team and the organisation.

A guide to understanding how to improve on skills and create the basis for completing a Skills Gap Analysis

Evaluate your own current and future personal and professional development needs relating to the role, the team and the organisation. Read More

Compare sources of information on professional development trends and their validity

A guide to understanding the requirements for unit ML9 300 1.1 compare sources of information on professional development trends and their validity

Compare sources of information on professional development trends and their validity Read More

Mintzberg’s 5Ps and how to use them

Understand how to use Mintzberg’s 5Ps PLAN PLOY PATTERN POSITION PERSPECTIVE to aid Strategic planning and evaluate the model for the Level 5 and Level 7 Diplomas in Leadership and Management covering the following criteria:
703 ML56 1.5 Evaluation a range of perspectives and approaches to business strategy development
500 ML45 1.1 Evaluate a range of strategic planning models
500 ML45 1.3 Analyse a range of perspectives of and approaches to business strategy
700 ML57 1.1 Evaluate a range of strategic planning theories and models.
703 ML56 1.6 Analyse the usefulness of strategic planning tools and theories

Mintzberg’s 5Ps and how to use them Read More

The ILM and CMI Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

A guide to completing the Level 7 Diploma In Strategic Management and Leadership including posts to explain popular models and choosing the theories that will complete more than one criteria

The ILM and CMI Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Read More